A simple philosophy

Helping families live mission


Motivate young believers to be READYWILLING and ABLE to share their faith.


Challenge kids to reach out and share their faith with ONE friend or family member.


Make every effort to meet the challenge in 6 DAYS.

A simple approach

ways to bring Project316 to your kids
At your Main Services with children present
At your Weekend Large Group format for children
At a short presentation and video
At a midweek Gathering or Special event
Project316 is an amazing tool to help kids share their faith with their friends. It’s encouraging, it’s helpful, it’s motivational, it’s fun and it works! Erin Gaxiola

Children's Pastor, Eastside Christian Church / Anaheim, CA.

Book Keith Poletiek LIVE

Project316 / Pulpit / Kid's Weekend / Kid's Midweek / Camps / Retreats / Other Special Events

email: Keith@threeonesix.org  //  phone: (951)201-2611